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Updated: Mar 25, 2019

It seems like wellness is the talk of the day. What is wellness?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines wellness as "the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal." The National Wellness Institute states "Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence."

There are different views regarding what wellness encompasses. However, wherever you go, you will likely find the following aspects:

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

  • Intellectual

  • Social

  • Occupational

  • Environmental

The point here is to note that whatever the aspect or aspects that you decide to include for your wellness, the main goal is to notice the interconnectedness between all of these dimensions. Learn to see how when one or more of them is "off," there will be a ripple effect through all of the rest and your overall health state will, thus, be off as well.

It is through a plan on each of these areas and monitoring step by step along the way that we reach radiant health over the long run. If supported, our bodies naturally gravitate toward a homeostatic state. A state of balanced physical health. Also, the act alone of taking care of ourselves provides satisfaction and promotes mental peace.

Be the best advocate of your own health! Take care of yourself and take your time working on each of the main areas that encompass wellness. It might seem a little difficult to get going, but once you start experiencing the benefits of it, it will become second nature to gravitate towards what makes you feel good, to do what strengthens you and motivates you. To pursue activities and build relationships and habits that make you whole.

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

Well, here I was sitting in front of my computer wondering what I should write about in my first blog post. I got so many ideas that I had to step away for a little while, went to make a cup of (yes, Calm) tea, took a couple of deep breaths (yeah, the yogini in me has to always start with that one!) and then returned with one simple idea. I am announcing that this is first blog post EVER! That is it. I used to write a lot in Spanish back, waaaaay back when I was in high school and college in Costa Rica, my native country. I wrote all types of essays and even entered a couple of contests. I find it therapeutic to put my thoughts in writing.

Me about 20 minutes ago in my signature look when I was thinking to make a decision: my right index finger placed on my upper lip. Really! Imagine, first blog entry ever. I needed some brain power to come up with that one...

Now, back to where I was. I am very excited to start what I see as a long and beautiful journey together. I will share what I know and know that I will learn from you a lot as well. This, BTW, brings me to the next thing I want to mention: this blog is for you. Add in the comments any questions you might have or topics you would like to see covered here. Anything that has to do with wellness, I am right there with you.

To a great journey! And thank you for reading!

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